Sunday 16 March 2008

Agony Run

I was thinking about my worst run ever last night. It was last June while we were on holiday in Canada, on Lake Huron near Toronto. I was just recovering from a groin strain so my running had taken a back-seat for a few weeks. I had a local map so I decided to hit some trails and take in some scenery so I ventured out for a easy 6 mile run. First of all, the area had experienced some recent heavy rain so some of the trails were severely flooded. Secondly, it was hotter than expected, nearing 90 degs. In summary, it was awful. It was hot, I got lost, floods everywhere, I even ended up sloshing through a tree-covered swamp that was full of mozzies and unidentified objects jumping in & out of the water. It was really unpleasant. On top of all that, my groin gave out so I ended up hobbling back to where we were staying. My navigation went to pieces and I had to take a short cut across a rather posh golf course. I must have looked like the swamp monster; sweating, hobbling, covered in crap. Anyway, here's the Motion Based output from that run including one of my slowest miles ever!


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