Tuesday 1 April 2008

Ouch again!

So I'm cycling to work this morning on my Lemond and heading toward the level crossing on my normal route to work. Bit of moisture in the air, nice fresh start to the day though and wham!! I'm suddenly spreadeagled across the railway tracks. My front wheel had slipped on the wooden surface that covers the actual rails on the crossing. As my front wheel skidded it wedged deep between the wooden surface and the actual railway. My front wheel is an awful mess, a lovely Bontrager Race Lite gone in the blink of an eye (about 250 quid). I'm a bit battered and bruised but thankfully I managed to get the bike and drag it out of the crossing before the barriers came down!! I'm also very very glad I didn't take a bang to the head as the consequences of that are a bit too awful to contemplate!

So I'm not doing very well at the moment. I've just spent most of the day searching for a replacement wheel and then getting my Trek (winter bike) back in service ready for tomorrow.

I'll be paying increased attention when I get to the crossing tomorrow!!


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