Thursday 14 August 2008

New Technique

A fairly quiet week this week. With most of the Tuesday night folk away on hols, there was no run this week. Still I ran to work on Wed and will do again tomorrow, probably daring the cross-country route so watch out bulls & buzzards (and any other wildlife who wants to have a go at me), I'm coming your way in the morning.

On the way home on Wednesday I tried out some Pose Running. This is about trying to shorten the stride length, landing on the ball of the foot and underneath the hip, not in front. Overall it's supposed to lessen injuries and increase speed. I tried it for a mile or so and immediately felt like I was mincing. And my muscles hurt today.

So I'll report back on any brushes with death with any runner-eating rabbits I see or blood-thirsty horses etc. I'll also be on the lookout for flesh-tearing squirrels.

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