Monday 25 August 2008

Bank Holiday

After a 25+ mile week last week, I've started this week with a 11 mile cross country route that I constructed on 'map my run'. A good course across farmers fields, across the Winchcombe Steam railway, up a rather sodding hill, through many stinging nettles and my new pet hate, cob corn fields. Despite there being a footpath marked, some farmers will plant their seeds right up against the hedge so the choice is either think stinging nettles or 7 ft high corn. My shoulders are scratched and my lower legs are zinging!

It is amazing the things one sees when one ventures off road. I never thought that today I'd see, in the middle of a field, a yellow Labrador having poo removed from its behind. I didn't say everything I see was great, but quite amazing. I think the owner was rather surprised to see me, a bit embarrassed too ;)

Right, now that my legs are toasted, I can get ready for the Harriers run tomorrow evening.

Here's today's route:

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