Saturday 24 May 2008

Speed Session

My cross-country run to and from work was quite interesting yesterday. The run to work was ok - saw some wildlife (ducks, rabbits, cuckoo and fox) and avoided getting my legs stung to smitherines by wearing long footy socks - nice. However, when I got to the final field it contained a herd of cows; so I thought. As I climbed the gate they all turned and made their move toward me, very quickly. So I hot-footed it over a fence in to the adjoining field only for the herd to gallop toward me, two of the 'cows' actually hurdled the fence - never seen that before, very impressive. At this point I realised the lack of udders and so made lots of noise and waving of arms. The bulls returned to their field but it was as if they knew I had to get back over the fence into the same field to get back on to my route. So I did and they immediately charged resulting in a man versus bull race to the fence. I won, just and much to the amusement of a lady looking out of her bedroom window at the comedy that was unfolding. As I looked around it was as if the bulls were saying 'you won this time matey, see you at 4 o'clock for the return match'.

I circumvented that field on the way home on the advice of an 8 year old girl who saw me venturing back into the field - "don't go in there, they will attack you and they broke somebody's arm last week" - I heeded her advice!

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