Friday 2 May 2008

Glorious Mud

Using '' I sorted out a new, more entertaining route to and from work. Instead of the normal 6 mile road route, I devised a cross-country variant of about 6.5 miles. So I tested it yesterday morning and ended up very muddy, covered in stings from nettles and totally 8 miles! Some slight 'navigational corrections' were needed due to a lack of footpath where I thought there would be one! Anyway, I corrected that on the way home and indeed, the route was 6.5 miles. The route to work was a bit like running through a wildlife park. I saw deer, ducks, horses, cows, sheep, pheasant, a heron and goats. I also tripped over a rock and dived into a freshly ploughed field. Nice.

Still, it beats the road!

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