Sunday 16 December 2007


I often criticise the weather but give it it's due, today was cracking. I went up to Cleeve Hill to do my normal 5.5 mile circuit and although it was chilly, the weather was perfect. The ground was frozen, so no mud, sky was blue, the air crisp, clean and cold. Rusty still decided it was necessary to jump in to the sheep dip but he is a dog, a rather nutty one at that. As I was loading him back in to the car at the end of the run, some walkers arrived back at their car and one of the women shrieked in disbelief at me stood there in shorts 'oh my god' she said, 'aren't you freezing?' It was quite funny seeing them with parkers on, hoods up, gloves, scarfs the whole monty. Yes it was cold, but not once the blood starts pumping.

Weather looks set for the week ahead, good I say.


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